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Presentation by Csaba Böjte
It's good to be good!
September 17, 2020 Thursday 10:00
Duration: 90 minutes
Gross: HUF 6,000
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Presentation topic
Reflection on the affairs of the present world
To remain human with a pure soul
How to live our lives in peace with ourselves and others
What makes the world beautiful
Csaba Bojte
Csaba Böjte is a Franciscan monk, founder of the Szent Ferenc Dévai Foundation. The aim of the child rescue organization he created is to support children who are in Erdély harsh conditions, often on the verge of starvation. It currently cares for 2,500 children in its institutions and hundreds more in the foster care system.
Böjte Csaba civilként autóvillamossági szerelőnek tanult, majd miután ezt a szakmáját feladta, egy évig élt, és dolgozott bányászként a_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_in Hargita. With this decision, putting his will power to the test, he mentally prepared himself for the papi track. His father was a poet, and because of a poem, the Ceaușescu-regime court sentenced him to seven years in prison, from which he was released four and a half years later. He died a month and a half after his release as a result of the torture and other trials he suffered in prison. For Csaba, this was a fundamental moment in his understanding that the problem does not reside in man, but in ignorance. As a result, he decided to become a priest. He applied to the Franciscan order back in the Ceaușescu dictatorship cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_1982, in the greatest secrecy. Tanulmányait Gyulafehérváron és Esztergomban végezte, mielőtt 1989-ben pappá szentelték. After serving as a priest in several places, in 1992 he was placed in Dévára, where his life took a significant turn. He took in some street children under his protection, and after breaking the padlock, they moved into the abandoned and vacant Franciscan kolostorba . The Romanian authorities opposed this move and repeatedly asked him to leave the building. Father Böjte's answer was that the police would put the children on the street. That didn't happen. The Franciscan monk who took in the orphans quickly became famous in Déva. Today, his activities are recognized throughout Transylvania, Romania, Hungary, and even overseas in Western Europe. Az alapvető életfeltételeken kívül (szállás, ruha, étel stb.) taníttatásukkal is foglalkozik, amibe vallási és erkölcsi nevelésük is also included. Not a few of them get into university.
Hungarian Heritage Award (2002)
Man of the Year Award (2004)
Aphelandra Award (2005)
Sütő András-díj (2007)
Award of the Pannon Exemplar Foundation (2008)
A Százak Tanácsa által alapított Haza Embere díj első kitüntetettje (2008)
In 2010 Zajzoni Rab István Dij in Négyfalu (Transylvania, Brasó county)
Middle Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary (2010)
Az Európai Parlamenttől 2011 júniusában Európai Polgári Díj (Civi Europaeo Praemium)
Sándor Giesswein Memorial Committee, Giesswein-memorial medal (2012)
Hungarian Freedom Award (2015)
Award for happy children, happy families (2018)
Pro Cultura Hungarica prize (2019)
Imre Makovecz prize (2019)